Life in the Fast Lane

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101 Things

Posted by uncharch7 on October 7, 2008

In the never ending quest to accomplish my to-do list, I figured what’s better than creating a long term to-do list? Like I need another list to keep up with, but at least this one is fun. I’m jumping on yet another bandwagon…

The idea started here. I’ve seen it in several blogs and figured, “Why not?”. In the end, at least it helps me put my goals on paper and have an organized way of accomplishing them. It has a start date and an end date, so that’s good, but who knew it’d be this difficult to come up with 101 things. At first I thought it’d be a breeze, but now… not so much. This list will be updated as I go along, but here’s the first stab at it. My official start date was last week, 10/1/2008, and the official end date is 6/29/2011.


1. Go to Palm Springs
2. Go to Europe
3. Go to Uwharrie National Forest
4. Go to Hilton Head
5. Visit 5 places in the NC region I’ve never been to before
6. Go to Mexico
7. Go to Door County
8. Visit NC Wine Country
9. Go to Morrow Mountain


10. Get a library card
11. Read 101 books
12. Watch a scary movie without hiding
13. Run a 5k in under 28:30 minutes
14. Run a 10k in under 59 minutes
15. Complete a triathalon
16. Register to vote
17. Vote in a local election (not tied with a Presidential election)
18. Vote in a primary election
19. Take a cake decorating class
20. Take a photography class
21. List 101 things that make me happy
22. No TV for 7 days
23. Go see a dermatologist
24. See a nutritionist
25. Make 10 recipes from my cookbook collection
26. Drive the speed limit for 7 days
27. Learn 5 new cooking/baking techniques
28. Learn how to knit
29. Start my IDP process
30. Become LEED certified
31. See John Mayer in concert
32. Make espresso at home
33. Call in sick to work and relax for the day
34. Grow my own herbs
35. Make a list of 101 things I’m thankful for
36. Try 5 new foods


37. Do all of the dishes after each meal
38. Keep all new mail off the kitchen table
39. Put all dirty laundry in the hamper instead of the floor
40. Update food blog after each new meal cooked
41. No eating out
42. Complete the 100 push-up challenge
43. No soda
44. Take my vitamins
45. Follow a cleaning schedule
46. Take 15 minutes and read at some point during the day instead of watching TV
47. No alcohol


48. Finish the master bath
49. Build the vegetable garden fence/raised beds
50. Create a hard edge for all garden beds
51. Finish the basement
52. Fix the back yard drainage
53. Tile the guest bathroom floor
54. Get our diplomas framed and hang them
55. Paint the kitchen and tile the counter backsplash
56. Replace coffee and end tables


57. Create a will
58. Start IRAs for both me and C
59. Pay off the truck
60. Completely fund the emergency fund
61. Pay off credit card debt
62. Pay off student loans
63. Give to a charity once a quarter
64. Meet with a financial planner
65. Buy some stock
66. Start a CD ladder with the e-fund
67. Completely fund a short term e-fund
68. Allow a splurge or spontaneous decision without worrying about the budget
69. Make a list of everything that should be in the safety deposit box and put it all in there


70. Write five snail-mail cards and send to friends/family
71. Have ten date nights
72. Eat at ten local restaurants we’ve never been to before
73. Complete Anna and Lauren’s scrapbooks
74. Go to a Panthers game
75. Save enough money to recreate our wedding cruise and go on it for our 5th anniversary
76. Write four love letters to C
77. Do something out of the ordinary for C four times
78. Make a list 101 things of why C is an excellent husband and makes me happy
79. Go see a play
80. Go to the symphony
81. Make our wedding scrapbook
82. Go for a walk in the park 5 times
83. Take C to a Brewer game
84. Get a gift for C… just because


85. Complete 101 hours of community service
86. Coach a Special Olympics swim team
87. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity (can be included in the 101 hours)
88. Give blood five times
89. Go through clothes twice a year and donate to Goodwill
90. Pay for someone in line behind me three times
91. Volunteer to teach CPR at the Red Cross (can be included in the 101 hours)
92. Participate in Angel Tree (or other charitable event) each Christmas
93. Write a grant and get it approved for special needs kids at the Y


94. For every item completed, put $10 in a savings account
95. For every item not completed, give $25 to a charity
96. Buy an iPod Nano
97. Buy a Nike+ system
98. Buy a DSLR
99. Update my portfolio
100. Get my wedding dress cleaned
101. Learn to shoot a gun

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